The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1270105
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
12-Sep-04 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
I'm not flaming you... (o.k... maybe a little... but suck it up... worse things happen at sea...) I'm disagreeing with your assessment of the initial post, and offering my reasons why... I believe the first 'flame' was yours... "you sound like a racist jerk"... I'm simply responding to you, in kind, on what appears to be your level of discourse...

To me, the 'poem' (free verse.. whatever) isn't racist... As I said above, it seems to call the whole human race to the floor to stand accused... An accusation I happen to agree with... for the reasons I stated above...   

It's certainly not racist, like 'calling a spade a spade' is racist...

"calling people on their anti-Muslim bigotry"
Absolutely... On any and all bigotry for that matter... but where does it say "Anti-Muslim" in Nats post? I'll say it again... "I think you're guilty of reading your own agenda into Nathans post..."

Am I wrong? So, what am I not understanding about your point of view?

"These kinds of juvenile, narcissistic, pathetic attempts to get attention by associating one's self with tragedy"

Who are you to attempt to dictate how someone copes with such an event?