The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1270115
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
Clinton, because he didn't say Muslim specifically doesn't mean he isn't referring to them directly. The quote again:

"The hatred is for the societies and environments that permit
such madness, such disregard for life, such extreme religious
fervour to breed and to bloom to create armies ready to die for
their god, spreading death..."

He doesn't have to say 'Muslim' because we know exactly who Nathan is referring to, don't we?

Nowhere in that post does Nathan exhibit one iota of compassion or empathy for the Muslims suffering under the boots of the Taliban, the Saudis, the Americans, the Brits, the Israelis, or the fundie Ayatollahs.

His compassion and empathy are only for 'his own kind', his hatred and anger specifically directed at 'those societies' and 'that religion', isn't it?

And if I have to explain this any further, I'm guessing you don't want to get why I perceive that statement I quote above as a racist, anti-Muslim statement of unadulterated hate, because you agree with the sentiments maybe. Or you just want to be contrary. Or you want to play the flame game. Pick nits. Whatever.

Because I perceived the statement as racist and hateful, and reacted to it on that level, doesn't mean it wasn't racist and hateful, does it Clinton?