The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1270141
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
Why in god or allah's name would ANY Muslim apologize to the US for 9/11?

You see, that shows an anti-Muslim bias right there, Amos.

Why would any think the Muslim world owes the US an apology, just because a handful of fundie fascist sociopaths, who are no different than the one we currently have in the highest office in the land sitting on his racist ass in the Oval Office, committed a horrific act of violence?

Do you expect the entire Muslim world to ass kiss the west, because a tiny, infintessimal group of them have decided to play army by forming paramilitaries and attack innocent human beings?

I'm not trying to lessen the impact that undetectable percentage of Muslims is having upon the world through committing horrific acts of violence. But as I've said elsewhere, what they are doing to us is not any more horrific than what the Bush/Kerry cabal is doing to them with our weapons of mass destruction. Their called bombs and bombers. And we've killed tens of thousands more of them than they have us.

Jesus, get a sense of realistic proportion about these things, will you Amos? Do you blame all Cambodians for the atrocities of Pol Pot? All Serbs for the atrocities of Milosevic? All Haitians for the sins of the Duvaliers?

I'm guessing the answer is no, you don't. That's the right answer, too. So how come you don't get the same answer when it is asked about bin Laden, Saddam, and the Taliban?

My guess is, the answer is racism, but you aren't even aware of it in yourself. I think you have more than enough ability to become more self-aware about this subconscious American racist, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim mindset Amos. But like any sort of self-awareness, it requires an open mind, and the determination to do the hard work of critical self-examination.

I do hope you, and so many other Mudcatters I see doing this same damn thing, who are otherwise pretty enlightened about subconcious racism and bigotry, figure this one out soon. Because the anti-Muslim slurs are creeping in all over the place in the BS threads these days. It seems to get worse the worse America behaves in Iraq in particular, the closer we get to Election Day, and the more people cling to the desperate belief that it will be better under Kerry.