The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1270163
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
12-Sep-04 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
"He doesn't have to say 'Muslim' because we know exactly who Nathan is referring to, don't we?"
Well, this half of 'we' has said twice now that's not how -I- read it... Obviously you and I don't read it the same way, right...

Yet once again....

"The hatred is for the societies and environments that permit
such madness, such disregard for life, such extreme religious
fervour to breed and to bloom to create armies ready to die for
their god, spreading death..."

Sounds like the whole world to me... Name me one place in the world the above doesn't apply to...

"Nowhere in that post does Nathan exhibit one iota of compassion or empathy for the Muslims"
Near as I can tell, the post isn't ABOUT Muslims... So why would he?

"...I'm guessing you don't want to get why I perceive that statement... as a racist..."
Oh sure I -want- to get it... and I think I got sorta a handle on it... and I still think you're reading YOUR agenda into Nats post... And I think you're wrong...

So we disagree... so what? I don't hold it against YOU...