The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1270363
Posted By: Amergin
12-Sep-04 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
I would just like to say, Gues tthat there was nothing racist in my post and if you drew racism from that comment, maybe then, YOU and not I are the racist jerk. YOU were the one that mentioned Muslim not I. I was talking about the conditions that breed terror not what faiths breed it not what race/creed or colour these groups may consist of. Terrorist organisations are like gangs. They do not gain their membership from contentment. They search for those who are lost and angry. They search for those who have a need to belong and a need to vent their anger, even if it is in a negative way. People need answers and these groups give them answers. People need to feel like a part of something bigger than themselves and these groups give them that too. People need a way to excorsise their anger and so these groups give them a scapegoat.

As for your assertion that I have never met a Muslim person in my life is dead wrong. I have met many and talked with many Muslims over the years. Many of them were emigrants from Africa and the Middle East, some of them were even from Indonesia, all of them were naturalised citizens and happy to be so. they were very closeknit especially with their family, a thing coming from my own background I can very well understand.

Thirdly, my current anger at this situation is directed at the politicians adn the businessmen who invoke 9/11 to line their own pockets, by getting us mired in to foreign wars, both of which show no sign of ending anytime soon. it is also an anger at the death count still rising consistantly, those few terrorists did not just murder those 3000 + people that day, their murderous rampage is still going on, the death toll rising daily on all sides.

Lastly, this is not intended as a self pitying maudlin piece directed at making people feel sorry for me. This is a way for me to finally come to terms with that tragedy. I have been attempting to write something intelligent on this for three years, and just the other day I have finally done it. All previous attempts failed. I have finally said my piece and I stand by it, and no attempts by you, sir, will subvert my desire to do so. As I said before You, sir are the racist jerk, spouting racist lies, by making your assumptions about my piece and about me, and by pinning the title of racist jerk on my breast. If it is racism to hate poverty, greed, murder, despair, loss, and lies, all of the things that contribute for this current madness on spreading on our globe like a cancer, then I will wear that title proudly.

Thank you very much.

Nathan Tompkins
Racist Jerk Extraordinaire