The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17063   Message #1270928
Posted By: John MacKenzie
13-Sep-04 - 06:18 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Ag Pleez Daddy (Jeremy Taylor)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Ag Pleez Daddy
The song Kitty alluded to is called Black and White Calypso, and was I believe the reason why Jeremy was not allowed back into SA for a while. I used to see him often when we both lived in Richmond Surrey. He was married to Zelide then, and they have two boys called Josh and Caleb, I always loved those names. Can't remember all the words of this song, but it is very funny, and like most of Jeremy's songs extremely perceptive.

Turning the pages of Zonk I see
Special liquid that guarantee
To make your curly hair straight
And bring you success on every date
But when I pass by the downtown beauty parlour
There's the white ladies sitting there hour after hour
With a big funny thing on their head
trying to make their straight hair curly instead.

Tell me tell me tell me why
I want to know the facts
Why all the white people want to black
And the black people want to go white

I can only remember fragments of the other verses, but there was a bit in the final verse about his friend marrying a black girl, and it says,
And she gave him a little bit of black in the night
And he gave her a little bit of white
That's the answer.

Well in apartheid days in SA this was the ultimate offence, to even mention mixed marriages. So he was not a friend of Dr Verwoerd, but he was a hero to lot of others, including me.