The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73260   Message #1271438
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
13-Sep-04 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger's last concert
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger's last concert
Martin:---get your fact straight---Malvina Reynolds wrote Little Boxes. Seeger sang it---among others.
          Your last sentence re: Palestine/Israel is a bit disjointed and really does not make sense. My sense of his beliefs--and they are just mine--is that they translate into people getting along with people---in short humanity. Israelis argue amongst themselves about policy--Palestinians ditto. Seeger tries to put things into a human and world perspective.

            I don't know to what you are referring as to his songs on that subject---his most recent were about MLK, brotherhood around the world among others in that same vein.

             As to veins it is possible that you have been bled by dear Count Dracul aand a trying to suck the blood of Seeger now with your venomous and uninformed comments.

Bill Hahn