The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73260   Message #1271440
Posted By: Tannywheeler
13-Sep-04 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger's last concert
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger's last concert
Play nice children.

Here's one of the great teachers/performers/encouragers of the last hundred years sitting down for a bit of a rest and you guys use it as an excuse to namecall, nitpick, badmouth each other -- on a site that probably wouldn't exist without Pete's long years and remarkable efforts. If your life is so full of bitterness and anger go to counseling or therapy. Do volunteer work at a local domestic violence shelter; clean your local waterways; train with the local gov't entity which staffs polling places and do something to make/keep the elections honest; etc. Do something to contribute to the health of your community, and, if you appreciate him, say your doing it in his honor. You might not have so much time (or inclination) to be nasty to each other. Grow up.

There's been a lot of good work and useful accomplishments done by many in the last half-century that's owed to Pete Seeger's inspiration. We should be thanking him (and Toshi) profusely, using that inspiration to carry on, and not wasting energy practicing viciousness. Haven't you learned anything?

I will cherish my personal memories of his warmth and kindness to me as a child; but as I became an adult I also learned to APPRECIATE his capacity to persevere in teaching/doing right -- day after day, trouble after trouble, setback after setback. If we can do half as well we might really bring about positive, healthy change and improvement in all areas.

I bet retirement from performing doesn't mean retirement from encouraging and helping the rest of us.   Tw.