The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73260   Message #1271492
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
13-Sep-04 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger's last concert
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger's last concert
Martin, Martin.   You ignorant slut.   (sorry Chevy Chase)

I'm not sure why you are making this so personal. I never attacked you and suddenly you come mocking me. Why pick on me? Well, it's your thing, so be it.

I do have to give you credit. I think you realized that most of us would respond to your

You will never understand what Seeger meant to us because you come from a different perspective. I respect that. Many people forget that folk music during the revival had two distinct elements. You help remind us. There was a strong conservative leaning with people like John Lomax and John Jacob Niles. The leftist movement also jumped on the folksong movement and turned it into a tool for social causes. If it wasn't for both sides doing their job, there would have been no folk revival. You can't give credit to one side without acknowledging the other.

I do understand your point about his singing of Malvina Reynold's song, but again you took things the wrong way. If you really listened to the song you would see that it was a gentle protest against the conformity that was taking shape in the 1950s.   He was not begruding any GI for following their dream. He is also a veteran, and he fullfilled his dream by building his own cabin, most of it with his own two hands.