The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73260   Message #1271629
Posted By: Marc Bernier
13-Sep-04 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger's last concert
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger's last concert
Ron, you quoted Dan Akroyd not Chevy Chase. I too felt something lost, when I just saw this thread. I met Pete once about 10 years ago. I was cooking on a schooner that had been chartered by clearwater to do programs on the hudson. (The program has gotten so popular that the sloop clearwater can no longer handle the demand alone). Tao was music educator on board, and Pete stopped by for lunch and an afternoon sail. The 3 of us did the afternoon music program together. That will always be one of the highlights in my career as a musician. And your right. It's not about his voice or his picking. He makes everyone part of the event at that moment. I glad I got my opportunity to experience that.