The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73388   Message #1272323
Posted By: JudeL
15-Sep-04 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Funniest Comment to an Organiser
Subject: RE: Funniest Comment to an Organiser
If we are going to be picky.....This is a quote from information on Bridgnorth Festival Website (info that is repeated in various forms in the rest of the festival literature)

this has become a major issue with local residents. As organisers we will address the concert noise levels but we will be asking you to keep the noise at after hours parties within a reasonable level. We will retain the late night area but ask you to keep your revelries within that area Parts of the camp site are very close to local residents houses, it is unacceptable for them to be subjected to singing and shouting into the early hours of the morning. Please give them your consideration."

The individual had been told that due to the carrying qualities late nite drumming constituted an unacceptable noise level. Even if (which alan did not) the individual had been told to leave, given that keeping late night noise levels down to an acceptable level can be seen as an implied condition the guy would have even less of a case than the idea that Alan was discriminating against bodram players!

Jude (with tongue firmly in cheek)