The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14664   Message #127248
Posted By: Freddie Fox
23-Oct-99 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: Drummer jokes and others
Subject: Drummer jokes and others

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The ex-drummer from our band started collecting drummer jokes in sheer desperation, because everyone else kept firing them at him - such as

How do you get a one-armed drummer out of a tree? Wave at him

What's the difference between a Radox bath and the drummer from Bros? The Radox bath bucks up the feet...

Is this phenomenon peculiar to our patch [Leeds, England] or does everybody everywhere give drummers a hard time? Also, does anyone know any good jokes against other types of musician [specifically guitarists, bass playes and fiddle / mandolin playes, so that I can pass them on to the poor sod and allow him to get his own back!!!!