The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73260   Message #1272684
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
15-Sep-04 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger's last concert
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger's last concert
The thing some people miss about Pete Seeger is that the main instrument he plays is the audience.

I was reading through this and surprised noone said that, until at last cobber did. Precisely - no one I've ever come across can play that instrument as well, or even in the same league. (Though maybe there was one man who came pretty close, and that was Alex Campbell.)

Mind, there was just one time he came unstuck with that I can remember, and that was when he was in the Albert Hall, and tried to teach an English audience to yodel. People were trying, but nothing came out, just silence and some gasps and coughs. But when it came to singing he got that audience to sing out loud enough to take the roof off.

And I'm glad someone mentined his Goofing off suite - and wasn't it great when they put out Raising Arizona, and there it was blasting out pver the end titles. Absolute magic.

And I'm also glad we're saying these things while he's still here, rather than saving them up till it's too late. (Setting aside the occasional distracting ego-trip posts from ** which are best set aside anyway.)