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Thread #73420   Message #1273362
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Sep-04 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kofi Annan says Iraq war was illegal
Subject: RE: BS: Kofi Annan says Iraq war was illegal
Oh, well, Wolfgang, I may not have actually PUT Bush in that line, but you know he really was in it by implication. :-)

Here are some more examples of wars launched by aggressor nations:

Saddam Hussein's attack on Iran (with the indirect assistance and encouragement of the USA).

The USA's gradual, step-by-step intervention in Vietnam which took place over nearly 2 decades.

China's border attack on Vietnam not too long after the USA was out of the picture there.

The USA's gobbling up of most of the northern areas of Mexico.

The USA's gobbling up of the overseas empire of Spain in 1898.

The USA's unsuccessful attempt to invade and "liberate" Canada in 1812-1814.

Russia's attack on Finland in 1939.

Russia's occupation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania not long after that.

Japan's attacks on: China, the Dutch East Indies, the Phillipines, Hong Kong, Malaya, and so on in the 30's and early 40's.

Israel's assault on its Arab neighbours in 1967.

Egypt and Syria's assault on Israel in 1973.

Israel's incursions into Lebanon in the 80's.

Argentina's invasion of the Falklands in the 80's.

And so on, and so on...

The point I am making, Wolfgang, is that virtually every major power, and many minor powers have launched illegal wars of aggression whenever:

1. they thought they could gain something by it.

2. they thought they could get away with it.

3. they thought they could win.

Bush and Blair's war in Iraq is just the latest example of major powers doing it...for typically spurious reasons. They had the gall to pretend they were defending themselves from a genuine threat!

Hitler had that sort of gall too. He had the German people convinced at the time that the war on Poland was a defence of German people and German national security. It's really quite amazing what people will believe when Big Brother tells them so, isn't it?