The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73333   Message #1274055
Posted By: Charley Noble
17-Sep-04 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: September Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Subject: RE: September Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Tom and Linn-

Eli is particularly looking forward to singing with Barbara again, and Nor would love to hear Jeff do another round of "Mandalay."

By the way (thread alert drift) does anyone have any appropriate songs for when a neighbor's truck smashes into the corner of one's shop? I was just settling down to morning coffee and heard this tremendous crash! And when I checked outside there was this large utility truck backed into what was left of the corner of our attached shop. This is the same corner with the gas space heater sticking out and the first thing I did was make sure that the gas was turned off; we could have had a serious fire! The neighbor had started up his truck, set the parking brake, and then went back upstairs to get his daughter, and I guess the brake didn't work. The good news is that his truck wasn't damaged. However, the concrete foundation block on top of the concrete pad is trashed as is the space heater. We've done photographs, called the police, the insurance people, and two contractors who will provide the repair estimates which will probably run $4-5 thousand. And we're supposed to be off to Baltimore on Monday. What joy!

Charley Noble