The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14726   Message #1274338
Posted By: The Shambles
17-Sep-04 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: Explain the BS rules
Subject: RE: Explain the BS rules
y'know shambles - if things were as whacked as you seem to believe - virtually every one of your posts for the last several weeks would be deleted. But they haven't been, have they? It would be far simpler and certainly less annoying to do so.

Well at least three or more BS threads that I have contributed to have been closed. Mainly for containing just what? BS.

Here we go again - 'Let's all get together and 'scragg' the bearer of the message because we don't like the sound of it and they are annoying'.

But OK - So I am totally wrong. Me being wrong and a pain in the ass does not change anything does it? Threads are still being closed and deleted, along with perfectly acceptable contributions. Posters are still encouraging the monkeys by feeding them back insults and everyone is encouraged to judge the worth of everyone else's postings.

This is now the spirit of the Mudcat? It has not much to with the Mudcat spirit that I have willingly contributed to for so. I have no intention of accepting second or third best - without making my best efforts to remain true the spirit of an open discussion forum that does not make pedantic judgements. One that welcomes all contributions and does not keep trying to encourage posters with different view to 'go somewhere else'.

I can live with all the BS and the insulting monkeys for they are not the one's judging posters, closing and deleting threads. It is the rest that worry me.