The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14726   Message #1274474
Posted By: PoppaGator
17-Sep-04 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: Explain the BS rules
Subject: RE: Explain the BS rules
If you select the "BS" prefix when starting a thread, the thread will appear down here in the BS section.

If you select any other prefix, or no prefix at all, the thread will appear up in the "main" or "music" section.

If you select a prefix inappropriate to your topic, your thread *might* be moved up or down to the other section. Or maybe not.

In extreme circumstances, a thread might be such utter (and offensive) "BS" that someone removes it.

As far as I know, these are the only rules regarding BS.

In regard to all that other stuff, I hereby declare that the times they *did* a-change, but maybe not enough and certainly not in ways that any of us expected.

Hash brownies were and are great, but dosage has always been hard to control/predict -- "Your milage may vary."

I think that about covers it.