The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73497   Message #1274887
Posted By: Bobert
18-Sep-04 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry supported by Iran?
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry supported by Iran?
Ahhhh, lets not get all worked up about "democracy" in the MiddleEast because it ain't gonna work there no better than it works here...
Bush didn't have the US invade Iraq because he was all that concerned with democracy. Heck, if he cared about it then he wouldn't have had a plane load of lawyers as well as several buses full of goons to harrass poll workers all waiting Election night to see where they would be needed the following morning.

But, yeah, Kerry talks as if he'd not be so swayed my the militayry industrialists but talk is cheap. Bottom line, who ever is president will find there are folks who just happen to represent the military industrialists who find themselves in positions of influence.

I am a little less concerned about an invasion of Iran over the next 4 years, however, because the only way to do it will be to reinstste the draft and that is not something, especially in light of the current debackle in Iraq, will be quite difficult to pull off without massive protests. Throw in the added costs to the deficit and I don't think it will happen...

Shoot, the Iraqi quagmire has allready serriously and negatively effected foriegn policy in that the world is watching genocide in the Sadan and the US finds itself not able to act...

My take on the situation...
