The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14726   Message #1275224
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
18-Sep-04 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Explain the BS rules
Subject: RE: Explain the BS rules

you keep quoting:
"Max said:

Don't sweat the rules, cause there aint none.

Having seen your rants on the subject of PELs (Some of which were necessary) you pointed out that our politicians seemed unable to understand the English in which they were written, and that the legislation didn't say what the politicians seemed to believe it said.

You appear to have the same lack of understanding. In the case of the above quote, the standard rule of English would read it as meaning there are rules (double negative).
However, I am willing to accept that Max was using the American idiom of using 'ain't' as an intensifier. Even in this case, the quotation was in the present tense, which means that as of 1999 there were no rules. It clearly did not mean that there would never be a need for any rules.
