The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73489   Message #1275424
Posted By: John MacKenzie
19-Sep-04 - 04:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Open Letter to Tony Blare
Subject: RE: BS: An Open Letter to Tony Blare
It would appear that he is also arrogant! Having brought Peter Mandelson back from the dead, and installed him in a plum job in Brussels, he has now asked another of his universally loathed buddies back to help guide the general election campaign for New Labour. To wit the king of arrogance himself Alistair Campbell. Why none of the opposition parties are able to make any political capital out of this smug and self satisfied mob, is a mystery to me.
I suppose we get the governments we deserve, and I can only blame the majority people who don't vote, apathy is what keeps parties in government. I still think voting should be compulsory.