The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14726   Message #1275470
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Sep-04 - 06:41 AM
Thread Name: Explain the BS rules
Subject: RE: Explain the BS rules
Subject: RE: Explain the BS rules
From: Max - PM
Date: 26 Oct 99 - 12:40 AM

Since you are with us, you get to help us make the rules. Of late it seems that it is used for non-music related questions, comments, thoughts and stories. It may be like just a light conversation piece, or just killing time, or getting through a bad day, or anything non-academic (if you will). Or, just don't use it. It is what you make it. Don't sweat the rules, cause there aint none.

Wesley S came up with the following [posted in the latest 'hug and prayer complaint thread]- it says more in a few lines than I can ever manage, in my long-winded way.

Grant our members and guests the serenity to accept the things they cannot change - the courage to change the things they can - and the wisdom to realise that this is a forum open to the public and that they have no control over the posts and ideas of others.

Brucie (or whatever name you currently choose to use). The above is the answer. The only real control you, I or anyone else has here - is over their own actions.