The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73531   Message #1275778
Posted By: GUEST
19-Sep-04 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: When Kerry loses who will Dems blame?
Subject: RE: BS: When Kerry loses who will Dems blame? the Dems won't blame Kerry?

I know they'll blame Swift Boat Vets, the media, Nader, and probably cast a lot of aspersions towards Dean to begin innoculating the party against Dean running again in 2008.

Don't know if Edwards will be able to redeem himself, though. I mean, whatever happened to Lloyd Bentsen?

Kerry is starting to look, walk, and talk more like Bob Dole all the time, isn't he? Odd how that works.

BTW, Nader is now regularly predicting on the campaign trail that Kerry will lose by such large margins, that nobody will realistically be able to blame his candidacy. The real reason for Kerry losing, according to Nader, is the Democratic Leadership Council/Kerry campaign/Terry McAuliffe strategy of ignoring and failing to register minority voters, especially the 9 million African American voters who would easily put Kerry over the top if the party and the campaign had bothered to bring anybody on board from that community to get black voters mobilized.

BTW, most black Democratic party activists agree with Nader's assessment of Kerry losing by a large margin for his failure to address the concerns of the ever-loyal to the Dems black voters.