The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73445   Message #1275846
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Sep-04 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do human beings really exist?
Subject: RE: BS: Do human beings really exist?
Guest, FW, I have a lot of trouble at times with that very same problem. All I can suggest is...

Find a way to quiet the mind. The mind is the source of your anxiety and negative thinking. If you don't know how to do it see if you can find someone who does know how, and learn from their example. Meditation is a good way to quiet the mind. Chanting is another good way. Physical exercise is another. Being out in nature can help. Tai Chi and martial arts can help quiet and steady the mind and body, if you find the right instructor.

Sitting quietly in a peaceful place and simply observing your breathing can help. Do this for 5, 10 or 20 minutes. Just observe the breath. Breathe slowly and deeply, but not in a forced way. Breathe away your thoughts. With each in-breath, breathe in peace. With each out-breath, breathe away the thoughts of your busy mind.

Your mind will keep bursting in with its impatience and distractions. Breathe them away. Breathe in peace. Breathe in joy.

It is your mind that believes it is "separate", and your mind is the architect of all your fears and tensions. You appear separate, but you are not.

Things that can damage your state of mind: Poor sleep habits, poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, stimulants like caffeine, depressants like alcohol, too much TV and computer time, too much focus on "the news" (which is almost all negative), too much socializing with people who are gossipy or negative in some way.

Another thing that can help: Reading books that open you up to a greater confidence in yourself and in life. Look for books with a positive message that you can relate to. Use your own best instinct to steer you in the direction of what book is best for you. There are a lot of wonderful books out there right now.

Behaviours that can help: Learn not to give in to anger or resentment or hatred against other people, but maintain an inner calm. Realize that they are doing what they're doing for a reason that seems perfectly sensible to them, even if it doesn't to you. Avoid defensive verbal reactions that lead to worse disagreements with people. When you feel such a reaction rising in you, delay expressing it and simply observe it....from a quiet place. Observe it. Wait for a bit. If you observe it carefully, instead of being hijacked by it you will usually see it fade away after a bit, and you won't need to express it. You will have conquered it. Be kind to people. Extend the kind of good feelings to them that you would like to be receiving from them.

These things can all take you closer to a relationship with a higher consciousness. The very fact that you wish you had such a relationship guarantees that you eventually will. Your desire will lead you to the goal, as do all strong desires.

Most people's problem is this: they have conflicting desires. Conflicting desires make for a lot of confusion, and make it difficult reaching any one goal. This is one of the conundrums that I wrestle with on a daily basis.