The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73260   Message #1276442
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
20-Sep-04 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger's last concert
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger's last concert
Ron Olesko said, in part:

"While I disagree with Martin about political music, I am rather surprised at the outrage being thrown at him because he doesn't like Pete Seeger. Is it not a bit hypocritical?"
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"I think that is apparent when we see so many people knocking Martin because he has another view of Pete Seeger's music."

I disagree with the premise of these two excerpts, Ron. I think the "outrage" has to do not with MG's disliking Pete Seeger or his work, but with the often offensive, emotional tone with which he expresses it. MG has made a number of worthwhile contributions in various threads, but he seems to go out of his way to be objectionable sometimes, and that sort of thing feeds on itself, just cries for a hostile reply. And of course that gets MG's back up, and he intensifies things, and away we go!

Dave Oesterreich