The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73489   Message #1276744
Posted By: GUEST,Olive Whatnoll
20-Sep-04 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: An Open Letter to Tony Blare
Subject: RE: BS: An Open Letter to Tony Blare
Right! 'At's wot I say. If jOhn from 'Ull would get 'is finger out of 'is you know wot and buckle down and get serious like...then I fink more people would listen to wot 'e 'as to say. Not that I'm sayin' as Tony Blair would, but some people would is all. As it stands right now most people wouldn't give the time of day to jOhn from 'Ull. 'E's a public nuisance, 'e is. 'E thumped me cousin Rutherford over a fag. Over a bleedin' fag! And wot's more, 'e makes out like it was Rutherford 'oo started the trouble. Me cousin Rutherford's a sweet boy. 'E wouldn't 'arm a fly.

As for bloody George Bush, the man's an idiot. I carn't believe the Americans would be so stupid as to elect 'im again!