The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73333   Message #1276765
Posted By: Bat Goddess
20-Sep-04 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: September Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Subject: RE: September Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Hey, what a grand bunch of songs! (Good audience, too.)

"Fathom the BALL"!?! My whistle gets wet better in a bowl . . . (grin)

Can't remember (and I haven't had time to listen to the tape) what Jeri sang first. But besides "Fire Down Below" she did "Old Moke Pickin' On a Banjo" and, aha! I just remembered: she started out with "The Titanic"!

Nice seeing (and hearing) Eli -- she doesn't get to Portsmouth that often. But it looked dangerously like work she was slaving over in between songs.

By the way, the pictures on the Performers page at the Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival site ( are now displaying properly (and my name is spelled correctly in ALL the places it occurs).
