The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1276882
Posted By: LilyFestre
20-Sep-04 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
Hmmm....well....I've been working on trying to see the brighter side of things and I've been doing fairly well.

Today we did a little searching. It seems that Veronica's mother has the phone listed in someone else's name. In fact, that name has 2 phone numbers within a few blocks of each other. In searching amongst all my paperwork for some information, I ran across another little sticky note from Veronica. It says, "I am SO HAPPY Michelle. I LOVE YOU.

I've been very good about not crying lately....even discussed this situation with 2 people in the last 2 days who asked about Veronica (who had no idea) and didn't even begin to well up with tears...but that note....yep...I cried.

I just want to STOP crying...I hate this feeling and it makes me sick to my stomach. I feel like I am almost at square one all over again.

On a more positive note, my letter to Veronica has not been returned. I can only hope that her Mother (and I use that term LOOSELY) let her read it, or maybe Veronica picks up the mail herself after school...since the kids are home alone at that time.
