The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1276943
Posted By: harpgirl
20-Sep-04 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
This is a sad story but maybe it will have a happier ending. Perhaps Veronica's mother will decide after a short stint at being her mother again that she is not up to the job. I'm sorry you are hurting, Michelle. The time you did spend with Veronica will be a defining moment in her life, though, I'm sure.

SueB said it so well. The worst problems are the ones we feel helpless to correct. I myself seem to have had one problem after another since the hurricanes began to hit Florida. Now I've misplaced my appointment book (I think while I was going over and back to Pensacola) and I have no idea who is coming in, whom to bill, and countless other pieces of important information are lost to me....

My brother is really suffering though. His wife hasn't worked since Charley and he is disabled but unable to get SSD. It affects the entire family...I feel so tired...