The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37205   Message #1278449
Posted By: PoppaGator
22-Sep-04 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs by the Limeliters
Subject: RE: Songs by the Limeliters
I vaguely remember the Limelighters, but had forgotten that Glenn Yarborough was an original member. Now, the next time I watch "A Mighty Wind," I'll have a better idea of who "The Folksmen" are patterned after -- Christopher Guest does a great parody of Yarborough's quivering tremolo vocal delivery on the high notes.

I'll be checking out "Mitch & Mickey" with a fresh outlook, too. They had immedidately put me in mind of Ian & Sylvia, of course, but I have since learned something (from a Mudcat thread, of course) to reinforce that connection: Catherine O'Hara's "Mickey" character may well be based upon the latter-day Sylvia Fricker's appearance in "Festival Express" (which I plan to see a.s.a.p., probably in a month or so).

What else? I had assumed that "Have Some Madeira, My Dear," (which I remember only in part) was a Tom Lehrer song, but now know that it was written by two other guys.

I'm as guilty as anyone of rejecting the "commercial" groups so prevalent in the early Folk Revival, in favor of the more "authentic" traditional performers who came to our attention later. In hindsight, the earlier trios and quartets featured something most of us really love -- harmony singing. Seems like many of the so-called "authentic" folk acts (not all, but plenty of 'em) have been solo performers.