The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73333   Message #1278718
Posted By: Charley Noble
22-Sep-04 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: September Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Subject: RE: September Shanty Sing at the Press Room

Nice to hear some more of the story of where the musical arrangement for "Crossing the Bar" came from.

Well, I might as well post my musing about exploring Baltimore's waterfront here. Judy's hotel is a few blocks north of the inner harbor so I got down bright and early to check out the U.S. Constellation, all nicely restored and armed with large fiberglass cannons, except for the one they use at noon to startle the pigeons and wandering tourists. I roamed all around her. Well, mostly below as they discourage wandering through the rigging. Apparently once a month they have a music program but not while I'm here. After I left the ship I parked myself on a bench and took our a concertina and serenaded her.She didn't seem to mind and no one else seemed concerned.

After lunch with Judy, I boarded the metro No. 10 bus for Fells Point, that mythical part of Baltimore that Capt. Bunker has regaled us with from when China Sea Marine Trading Co. was headuarted there. I exited the bus at S. Broadway, making my way past the tatoo parlors and sex shops. The first mecca I ran across was Bertha's Mussels which called for a brew while I attempted to pick the brain of the bar keep who claimed he didn't know much about the old neighborhood. Maybe it's safer not to know. There were many alternative bumper stickers on the wall, all parodies of EAT BERTHA'S MUSSELLS. I think my favorite was BEAT BUSH'S MINNIONS. I then wandered down to Thames St. and boldly walked into the Cat's Eye Pub. There wasn't a whole lot going on in the early afternoon other than some gent showing photos of his Florida vacation. They were having a blues musician playing later that evening. Across the street HBO was filming a scene for one of their mini-series and a crowd was gathering. I decided to walk over to the Ann St. Wharf where the China Sea Marine Trading Co. was last in residence, having been tastefully replaced by a French pastry shop. This called for another brew and I went back up Thames St. until a verse from "All For Me Grog" drew me into a new Irish Pub called Slainte. Well, it turned out to be a CD and the bartender didn't have a clue who was singing but he was happy to bring me some ale.

Afterwards I decided to sit on one of the benches on the Broadway mall and practice some more concertina. The pigeons seemed quite fascinated although they were probably hoping to be fed. I did get several nice comments and smiles from people passing by and nobody threatened me with bodily harm or made insulting comments about concertinas.

I had a great supper at an Egyptian Restaurant called The Nile and caught the No. 10 bus back to home base.

I somehow failed to find the Wharf Rat Pub on S. Ann St. but I'll probably track that one down on Friday. That's the pub where Wincing Devil and his gang are supposed to host a shanty sing on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Tomorrow it's off to prowl Annapolis.

Charley Noble