The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73645   Message #1279127
Posted By: GUEST,Cats at work
23-Sep-04 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: Great songs for female singers
Subject: RE: Great songs for female singers
First priority has to be, sing what you like and then make it your own. Don't exclude songs just because they aren't from a female point of view. Jon was told he shouldn't be singing a particular song beacuse it was a 'woman's song'. When it was pointed out that it was written by a man the response was, 'it couldn't be, what do men know about women's feelings?' He should know - he wrote it. There are some lovely sea songs written from the woman's point of view, 'Candles', 'Before the Sea Calls' etc as well as some excellent mining songs, 'Tears behind the Smile', 'Hello Down There' etc. You could also look at some of the songs from the womens support groups from the 84 - 85 Miners strike.