The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3945   Message #127915
Posted By: Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin
25-Oct-99 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Kevin Barry
Subject: Lyr Add: KEVIN BARRY
The version I almost know (the old synapses are breaking apart, I'm afraid) is different from the database version and the lines you quote here. Sorry about the gaps, but perhaps someone else can oblige with a completer version of this one.

In Mountjoy Gaol one Monday morning
High upon the gallows tree,
Kevin Barry gave his young life
For the cause of liberty.
But a lad of eighteen summers,
Yet no-one can deny,
As he walked to death that morning
He proudly held his head on high.

Just before he faced the hangman,
In his lonely prison cell
British soldiers tortured Barry
Because he wouldn't tell
The names of his companions,
And other things they wished to know.
"Turn informer, or we'll kill you."
Kevin Barry answered "No"

"Why not shoot me like a soldier?
Do not hang me like a dog,
For I fought to free old Ireland
Why not shoot me like a soldier,
For I fought to free Ireland."

All around that little bakery
On that bright December morn,
Lads like Barry are no cowards.
From the foe they will not fly.
Lads like Barry will free Ireland
For her sake, they'll fight and die.

Shoh slaynt,

Bobby Bob