The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37205   Message #1279186
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Sep-04 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs by the Limeliters
Subject: RE: Songs by the Limeliters
I'd agree, Jimmy. Still, I try to keep my CD's of 60's folk groups hidden, so the purists won't see who I really am. And I guess I must have grown - or changed - because I don't listen to those recordings as often as I once did. Still, it's comforting to pull out a Limeliters or Peter, Paul and Mary or Kingston Trio album and be able to sing along - knowing all the words to every song. Like a security blanket, you know.
It also reminds me of the days when I could sing those songs and women would find me irresistable (or maybe that was just my imagination....)
-Joe Offer-