The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73621   Message #1279291
Posted By: M.Ted
23-Sep-04 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: Gig wear
Subject: RE: Gig wear
When you need to be the center of attention, it really helps to wear something quirky, big, bright, and fun--I used to tell people that I dressed so I could be easily spotted from the air--

A number of years ago, when I didn't know any better,I used to take my old Gibson ES-295 to those Tuesday night Jazz Jams where fifty musicians hang around waiting for the chance to play three choruses with the band. As dumb as it sounds, I would wear sunglasses, and a bright yellow silk shirt with large black polka dots so people would recognize me--I got a lot of compliments afterwards, while people who played better didn't, because once they were off the stage, no one recognized them--