The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14706   Message #127937
Posted By: Banjer
25-Oct-99 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Ghost Stories
Subject: RE: BS: Favorite Ghost Stories
True experience...I was about 16 years old at the time...Myself and two friends, Jimmy and Grant, were riding in Grant's pickup truck. We were on our way to check on some scrap metal that we had been told about. Grant was the oldest and was driving. Jimmy sat in the middle and I was next to the window. The skies had started to cloud up and bring a storm as was common at that time of the summer. A light mist was starting. On both sides of the road were woods, if you can call the collection of palms, pines, scrub oaks and other foilage we have in Florida woods. All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I detected a movement. It seemed to be a man on horseback, reining up sharp upon spotting us. A closer look revealed what seemed to be a Civil War soldier, a Confederate officer, on horseback. Just as suddenly as he had appeared, he vanished. I just stared straight ahead for a while. I wasn't going to say "Guess what I just saw!" and be laughed at for the next week. No way, not these two, they wouldn't let me live it down. It occured to me that no one had said anything for a while. I looked over at the other two and both their faces were white a a sheet! "What the hell is wrong with you two?" I asked. And then it dawned on me, I wasn't the only one that had seen what I thought I saw! They had seen it too! After comparing notes we all three agreed we had seen basically the same thing. It has been 34 years since that day, Grant has since passed away, and Jimmy and I lost contact some twenty years ago, but it is as clear in my mind as it was just yesterday.

Several theories were offered when we finaly got up nerve to tell others about it. Theories ranging from some sort of time warp occuring just as the soldier was himself passing over to we had been smoking something that made us think it. But all three of us were stone cold sober that day.

Further investigation revealed that some sort of a skirmish or raid had taken place in that area during the waning days of the Recent Unpleasantness. I don't know to this day what to believe, but I KNOW what I saw!