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Thread #73392   Message #1279608
Posted By: Nerd
24-Sep-04 - 12:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does anyone care when Kerry lies?
Subject: RE: BS: Does anyone care when Kerry lies?
Okay, bb.

You've gotten this down to the difference between Assault RIFLE, which you claim on the basis of some random websites like "your encyclopedia," is always fully automatic (although several posters here have disagreed with you on this) and assault WEAPON, which can be all sorts of things according to these same sites, including semi-automatic rifles and handguns.

So Kerry lied because he spoke of assault RIFLES, not assault WEAPONS.

Here is the quote from katlaughing's earlier post:

FWIW, here's what Kerry actually said," "So, tomorrow for the first time in 10 years when a killer walks into a gun shop, when a terrorist goes to a gun show somewhere in America, when they want to purchase an AK-47 or some other military assault weapon, they're going to hear one word: 'sure,"' he added."

Here is one of your earlier postings:

Kerry stated, for his own political gain, that MILITARY ASSULT WEAPONS would be out on the streets.

So you yourself have previously admitted that he said "weapons," not "rifles," but NOW the lie he supposedly told hinges on his having used the word "rifle."

bb, this is getting embarrassing, man. You need to move on from this point.

(by the way, you might be more credible on this topic if you spelled "assault" correctly more than half the time).