The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14706   Message #128007
Posted By: Les B
25-Oct-99 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Ghost Stories
Subject: RE: BS: Favorite Ghost Stories
When I was in my late teens we lived in an eighty year old ranch house in southern Montana. According to a younger cousin (who used to stay with my folks alot), and my wife, there was a ghost that inhabited the upstairs bedrooms of that house. The first time I brought my wife (then my girlfriend) home to meet my folks it was late and they had already gone to bed. My wife was put in one of those bedrooms, while I went to sleep on the porch (prim & proper 1960's!). During the night, my wife heard footsteps and felt a presence hovering near her bed. She thought it was my mother trying to get a look at the first girl I'd ever brought home, so my wife-to-be lay there with eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. Several years later, after my wife knew my mother well enough to joke with her, this was brought up, and my mother said, no she hadn't been upstairs, it was probably the "ghost". My wife thought my mother was pulling her leg, but my cousin who was also present, then told my wife that on several occasions he had felt(had actually been punched) and even seen "something" (pretty evil looking) in those bedrooms. My wife was quite nonplused to think that she might have seen a ghost had she opened her eyes, but also wonders if she's not better off for not seeing "it"! I, however, slept for two years in one of those bedrooms and never saw a thing. But here is a connection to that story that really makes me ponder the supernatural. A few years ago at a family reunion, about six months after my dad passed away, the same cousin, now a grown man, told me this story. One of the times he saw the "ghost" he came downstairs looking pretty distraught. My dad -- a no nonsense cowboy who I never heard discuss religion or ghosts -- asked my cousin what was wrong. When my cousin told Dad he'd seen a ghost, my dad said, "Yeah, I saw one too, when I was a kid," and then went on to tell how, in 1915, when he was eight, he'd been asleep with his sister who was nine. He awoke and saw something standing at the foot of their bed. He whispered to his sister, "what's that ?" and she said "It's my friend who comes to visit." His sister died of a childhood disease just a few months later. In all his 81 years, my dad never told me, or my mother, this story about what he'd seen !