The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73704   Message #1281093
Posted By: Bobert
25-Sep-04 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Boat Travel to New Zealand?
Subject: RE: BS: Boat Travel to New Zealand?
Well, I'm learnin' a lot of stuff... I'm not all that wild about a sail boat. I used to crew a lot about 30 years ago on a friend sailboat and it was either a lot of work or nuthin was happenin'. The entire thing about New Zealand has a lot to do the the political climate in the US should Bush capture another 4 years. I'm not too sure that I can put up witha bunch of rednecks runnin' the show and telling me just how smart they are. Enough on that...

So I might just have to take 4 years off from America and New Zealand is a possibility. Australia is as second possibility. Norway would be a possibility but I don't think I could take 6 months without seeing the sun. The Carribean is out because I don't like hurricanes... Kind hard to please...

The idea of taking a freighter to New Zealand is somewhat appealing since it is the only way to get the P-Vine to go and it doesn't seen all that expensive either....
