The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73755   Message #1281662
Posted By: GUEST,Auldtimer
26-Sep-04 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Why do well known songs get sung slower?
Subject: RE: Why do well known songs get sung slower?
The difference between a singer and a musician that sings is .... The musician wants their audence to hear the tune, or rather how masterly they are at playing, their expensive/top of the range/latest model/vintage instrument, and the faster they can play, shurely the more masterly they must be. A real test of a musicians quality is in how they mannage a slow air. A real singer sings for the song to be heard and enjoyed and the timeing, tempo and pace are important parts of that process of building a bond between singer and listener and a slow, but steady pace, brings out the best in the majority of songs. Try this yourself with one of your songs and let the song find the timeing that suits it. As for ballads being slow? It' time a lot of you started listening to REAL TRADITIONAL SONG and REAL SINGERS.