The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73667   Message #1281946
Posted By: Bob Bolton
26-Sep-04 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bare-Legged Kate (John Dengate)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Bare legged Kate - John Dengate
G'day JennyO,

As said in my post, those were the words as I published them in 1982. (I didn't do the layout for the My Shout! book - although I supplied many of the photographs, so I was just referring back to my proof copy.)

However, it did occur to me - after posting - that I also tend to repeat "haunted" into the final chorus ... and I probably got that from John's own singing.

One of my reasons for posting John's words is that he is a very careful poet ... and he weighs up every word - particularly in these songs from his family experience. It is fascinating to see the sea-changes in such a song - but I'm always going to stay very close to what John wrote and sings.

