The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72646   Message #1282098
Posted By: JennyO
27-Sep-04 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Wisdom Inherent in Spam Messages
Subject: RE: BS: The Wisdom Inherent in Spam Messages
My latest spam:

chlorinate zoology injudicious patriotic telemeter handyman belligerent goldfinch boatswain climatic arctan sideline chord boltzmann charcoal meredith copernicus campsite moon zazen fathom bateau chorale echo cubbyhole psychotherapist accomplish dietary stator extirpate firework accuse participate patron arturo genus julie bought jade aerobic mardi motif lunchtime bedimmed stylish nielson oblivion dayton accommodate existent whirligig poncho avogadro attendant prophetic boggy press serenade zealand hecatomb hubert mollycoddle woke corporal collegial ginkgo collard engel factious creedal N0 m0re

Can't see much wisdom in there, but I think I'll give a belligerent goldfinch a wide berth.