The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1282253
Posted By: Big Mick
27-Sep-04 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
I am very conflicted by this discussion. On one hand I am reading the posts of a person who cares very deeply, who saw a child in need and did all the right things, put her heart and soul into making a difference for this child, and who is going through justifiable anger and grieving at the injustice of what has been dealt. For this extraordinary person, I want to extend my arm in friendship, caring, and understanding.

But the other person I see here is a person, with justifiable rage, who is so focused on her anger at the Mother, and her own feelings of sorrow at HER loss, that it is clouding her judgement. Michelle, it is so clear to me that you care for, and love, this little girl. Don't let your grief cause you to do things counter to the good works you have already done. For example, you take great pride in what she accomplished at school for the first time in her life. If the pride is due to the fact that YOU were good for her, then do nothing to help this sorry excuse for a Mother. But if your pride, and your joy, was for Veronica then you need to put away the anger at the Mother and get those records to that school. In your heart, you know that this isn't about you, but about that girl you have come to love. Whether you ever see her again or not, and I believe you will, your motivations have to be her best interests and not your anger at the injustice of it all.

I agree with the wise women here who are encouraging you to vent the grief. But DO NOT be consumed by it. Based on what I am reading, you are in danger of that. You have provided a brief shining moment in this little girls life. It is amazing how those times are often the defining times in the lives of these children. Grieve, sure, but take solace in that fact.

AND WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT GIVE THOSE CLOTHES AWAY. Pack them in boxes, and put them someplace where you do not have to look at them. I will bet you anything that she will be back for them one day. Might take a while, but she will. And the act of love involved in giving them back will have an impact that is profound.

Remember, Michelle, it is not just this girl you made an impact on. It is the as yet unborn children that she will bear that will also be the recipient of your love. After all, you have shown Veronica what a loving Mother really is. Congratulations.

With great respect and concern for you,
