The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73788   Message #1282655
Posted By: GUEST,tarheel
27-Sep-04 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: tarheel recouping at home...
Subject: BS: tarheel recouping at home...
hello mudcat friends:at the risk of leaving someone out i just want to thank all those of you for your encouraging messages of concern,prayers and just plain ole'"Get well Soon",responses!
my thanks now to joe offer,deckman,brucie,ranger steve,sinsull,jimmyt,ebbie,foolestroupe,f.b.,mary in ky.,janie,tinker,mrrzy,mudlark...God Bless you all!
i'm doing ok for now! the docs have me on blood thinning meds and hope that over the next few weeks,months,etc.,it will turn the corner for me and get my heart back in normal rythmn!but if not,there's always surgery or the shock treatment!...ouch!...but anyway,i feel good and the docs say i can still pick and grin if i take it easy and behave myself!...(dang,they could have said anything but that!)
but once again,my thanks to those of you for your well wishes and for lighting candles for me!wow! that's really neat!
i'll keep you all posted!
luv ya all!!!

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