The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73667   Message #1282783
Posted By: freda underhill
27-Sep-04 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bare-Legged Kate (John Dengate)
Subject: Lyr Add: I CAN'T ABIDE (John Dengate)
Here it is:

I CAN'T ABIDE (Tune: Abide with me)
By John Dengate

I can't abide the government's front bench.
Send them away to the Germans or the French.
I can't abide Costello's shallow sneer.
Won't someone make the bastard disappear?

I can't abide that bloody awful Kemp.
Bring back the gallows, the hangman and the hemp.
Take Peter Reith and dump him in the tide.
Him I particularly can't abide.

Poor little John deserves our sympathy,
Born 'neath the burden of mediocrity.
Pat his wee head and send him off to bed,
Then hide the key lest he abide with me.

I can't abide the government's ministry.
Senator Vanstone's worse than dysent'ry.
Send her away without the least delay.
Don't pour the tea lest she abide with me

Sink them, the swine! An iceberg would be fine,
Far, far away in distant Hudson Bay.
As they go down, they'll warble while they drown.
Flat and off-key, they'll be despised by me.

I can't abide the government's front bench.
Send them away to the Germans or the French.
Take Peter Reith and dump him in the tide.
Him I particularly can't abide.