The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73755   Message #1282897
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
28-Sep-04 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: Why do well known songs get sung slower?
Subject: RE: Why do well known songs get sung slower?
Foolestroupe - I think you have a point. As a chorister, I was told to sing along with the music, not the audience, whoops, sorry, congregation. As our organ had a 1.15 second delay between the keys being struck and the sound reaching us (not a big church, just a strange arrangement where the organ console was next to the choir and the pipes 80ft away at the other end of the church!), it got quite difficult at times. Even the audience, whoops sorry, congregation got ahead of us at times! The three were in perfect syncronicity round about the 12th pew back!

Consequently, I come in fairly rapidly, quite often alone - (something that shows up quite well on a certain recording of 'Sunday Half Hour' from Dorchester, circa 1988) and sing to the accompaniment, rather than to rest of the singers. It helps being a loudmouth.

And as for the comment from Manitas - well, that just goes to prove that he plays an instrument that does not require breath control! One could just as easily start a thread on 'why don't melodeon players give woodwind players time to breathe in sessions?'