The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73812   Message #1283173
Posted By: black walnut
28-Sep-04 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: New (Old) Piano
Subject: New (Old) Piano
This morning the piano I've played on for 43 years (my parents bought it for $100 when I was 7 years old) was traded in for an absolutely magnificently rebuilt 1902 Heintzman!

We got $500 Can. credit for the old one - a turn of the century Mozart - which they took away for us, no moving fees. We got some money for it, not because the insides were any good anymore, but because a few years back we'd had several layers of paint stripped off and had her nicely refinished.

We Mudcatters usually talk about guitars and banjos and dulcimers and harps, but not too much about pianos. I've been a pianist most of my life, and I love the fact that we have a piano here when we have our folky friends over. Piano is good for gospel, olde tyme, blues, singersongwriter, Celtic, just about anything.

I'm terribly happy to have a good new piano in my living room, for my own enjoyment, and for whenever the gang drops in.

Anyone else here with a new or old or interesting piano to talk about?