The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73792   Message #1283745
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Sep-04 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: British Tars
Subject: Lyr Add: THE BRITISH TARS (from Bodleian)
Harding B 25(294) has two versions of the lyrics. I posted the second one above. The first one has an additional verse, and a few differences in words here and there. Here 'tis.
-Joe Offer-

The British Tars

Come all ye thoughtless young men,
A warning take, by me!
And never leave your happy homes,
To plough the stormy sea,
For I have ploughed the stormy seas
These twenty years or more,
Now towed adrift and left to starve
Upon my native shore.

When waves first assailed us,
I quickly left my trade,
My country being in danger,
I flew to lend my aid,
And in my country's service,
Long fighting I bore
Now towed adrift and left to starve
Upon my native shore.

The British seamen's valour
To all the world is known
We conquer still where e'er we go
The victory is our own.
The matter flag of mighty gain
Triumphantly we bore
Now towed adrift and left to starve
Upon my native shore.

Should hostile fleets e'er venture
Upon the raging main
True hearts of oak, our British tars
Will go to sea again;
And bravely bring their ships to port
As we have done before.
So regard us now whilst e'er adrift
Upon our native shore.

By storms and raging tempests
Three times shipwrecked I have been,
And many bloody battles
Upon the seas I have seen;
Where thundering cannons rattled
Resounding from the shore,
Now all adrift and left to starve
Upon our native shore.

Regardless of all danger
Upon the raging main,
Where stormy winds and rattling guns
Did often us assail
I've seen the glaring cannons flash
And heard the murdered roar,
Now turned adrift and left to starve
Upon our native shore.

Come pity gentle strangers
The halpless British tar,
In your defence he yet may hurl
The thundering boast of war;
And lend some kind assistance
And heaven will bless your store
For now we're turned adrift to starve
Upon our native shore.