The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73162   Message #1283912
Posted By: AggieD
29-Sep-04 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: What is the Illuminati? (Mason Ties?)
Subject: RE: BS: What is the Illuminati? (Mason Ties?)
As I am married to a Feemason & have many male & female! friends & relatives who belong to this society, I can assure you that the majority are ordinary people who use the society as a means for doing great good & raising a lot of money for charity.
Yes they do dress up in regalia, & have 'secret' ceremonies, but most of them take all this as acting out a play, or as they call it a ritual (something akin to mumming perhaps?).
There are of course unofficial 'Lodges' which have nothing to do with ordinary Freemasonry & would never be recognised by the mainstream.
Of course people with money & in powerful positions have always tried to rule the world, they are still out there today & anyone with any sort of theory can make what crap out of it they like. So long as there are hard working honest people in the world who are prepared to fight against them, both with pen & sword, then we should not fear them. This is why everyone should have the democratic right to elect their leaders, have the right to vote out those who they believe to be wrong & in some cases evil.