The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60568   Message #1284076
Posted By: Jeri
29-Sep-04 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: News From Guam
Subject: RE: News From Guam

Talk to a lawyer.
Talk to the base legal office. They can't represent you, but they should be able to give you advice.
If you got the house through base housing, tell them what's going on so they can keep a record on this guy.
The base newspaper is an option, too. They might do a story, or you can send in a letter. I don't know how far they'd go in pissing off the local authorities, but the facts sans editorialization ought to be reasonable.

You've got proof of the break-in with the police report, and the findings of various investigators. You have the fire dep't calling it 'an accident' and hopefully a description of a pillow on the monitor being the cause. This isn't a normal place one would leave a pillow in my opinion. This all points to the fire not being your fault, which is what the landlord will have to claim in order to sue you.

If you can hire your own investigator, maybe you should. I don't know what could be done with the results of the investigation though. Would you talk to a judge, or perhaps just bring a civil suit against whoever robbed you?

I'd seriously consider how I became a target in the first place. It doesn't sound all that random to me. And your former landlord obviously thinks you're made of money. In any case, it might be nice to mention to him the civil suit may be a GOOD thing, since it may be your only opportunity to bring all this evidence out into the open.

Just out of curiousity, was he supposed to have smoke detectors in place, and did he?