The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37757 Message #1284620
Posted By: Bert
30-Sep-04 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Little Dutch boy (and Dutch girl)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: A Little Dutch boy (and Dutch girl)
GIRL: (with arms folded dances forward and back) I am a little Dutch Girl, a Dutch Girl a Dutch Girl I am a little Dutch Girl, a Dutch girl I am
Boy: (dances forward and back like the girl) I am a little Dutch Boy, a Dutch Boy a Dutch Boy I am a little Dutch Boy, a Dutch Boy I am
Girl: (dancing forward and back) Oh go away I hate you, I hate you I hate you Oh go away I hate You I hate you I do.
Boy: (dancing forward and back) Oh why do you a hate me, a hate me a hate me Oh why do you a hate me, a hate me you do?
Girl: (dancing forward and back) Because you stole my ribbon, my ribbon, my ribbon Because you stole my ribbon, my ribbon, you stole.
Boy: (dancing forward and back) Oh please will you forgive me, forgive me, forgive me forgive me please do.
Girl: (dancing forward and back) Oh Yes I will forgive you, forgie you, forgive you oh yes I will forgive you, forgive you I will.